APLIMAT - Galaga Recreated in 3D

This our Project for Aplimat. We recreated the First Stage of a classic game from the arcades/SNES "Galaga". We created the models using a freeware called blender which you can use to make 3D objects. To make it move like we want it to we applied various knowledge from previous lessons and subjects we have learned through out our stay in Benilde. 
 Here we see the first stages of our development where we made a Simple 3D Ship for the player. We have also made a function that positions he Enemies evenly.
 We have replaced the ship model and the Enemies for now to test if our functions were working.

 Here we see that there are new 3D models for the enemies.
 This is what we passed for our midterms and we have finally agreed on the 3D models we created to be used.
 We have applied the Pause function when you press enter.
 Here we have tried out to fire bullets. We configured the bullet (at that moment) to follow the Y coordinates of the Player hence the slanted enemy slots.
 Of course if the Enemies are all finished we show the YOU WIN message.